
a long absence中文什么意思

发音:   用"a long absence"造句
  • 长期缺席
  • long:    adj. (longer longest ) 1.长,长 ...
  • absence:    n. 1.不在,缺席,缺勤 (opp. presence ...
  • throughout his long absence:    在他长期不在的期间
  • absence:    n. 1.不在,缺席,缺勤 (opp. presence)。 2.缺乏,缺少,无。 3.心不在焉,不注意。 absencefrom (school, office) 缺(课),缺(席),缺(工),缺(勤),不在。 absence in (London) 暂离某地而在(伦敦)。 absence of mind 心不在焉,心神不定。 absence of reason 发狂。 in sb.'s absence 当某人不在时,背地里。 in the absence of 无…时,缺少…时。 leave of absence 请假,准假。 absence without leave 擅离职守。
  • absence in the~of:    缺少
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. What exactly would qualify as a long absence
  2. After a long absence , he has returned to doing tv work
  3. I guess so . are you nervous after a long absence to return
  4. The stint in the cloud was also accompanied by a long absence of rain
  5. Scarcely able to control his feeling of joy , he fell on her neck when they met again after a long absence



  1. a lonely traveller 什么意思
  2. a lonely wanderer 什么意思
  3. a lonely white sail 什么意思
  4. a lonesome journey 什么意思
  5. a long 什么意思
  6. a long and lasting love 什么意思
  7. a long and narrow valley 什么意思
  8. a long and tedious speech 什么意思
  9. a long awaited vacation 什么意思
  10. a long coastline 什么意思


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